Software I use
My dotfiles contain various configuration files. While I don’t use all of them regularly, I keep them around in case I want to revisit or experiment with them. As a result, the repository has become somewhat cluttered. So, to keep track of the tools I actually use, I’m maintaining this list.
Name | Purpose |
gopass | Secret management |
chezmoi | Dotfiles management |
wezterm | Terminal emulator and multiplexer |
sway | Window manager |
qutebrowser | Browser |
zathura | Document viewer |
NixOS | Linux distribution |
nvim | Text editor |
bash | Shell |
cheat | Command reference tool |
gocharge | Monitor battery daemon |
mako | Notification daemon |
starship | Prompt |
glow | TUI markdown reader |
pulsemixer | Audio management |
grim + slurp + wl-clipboard | Screenshot utilities |
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