How to enable bash’s vi mode in SSH sessions

Stop typing set -o vi every time you log into a SSH server where everyone uses the root user and you can’t set set editing-mode vi in ~/.inputrc. Add this to your ssh config:

# ~/.ssh/config
Host duvel
    RequestTTY yes
    RemoteCommand bash -o vi
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Software I use

My dotfiles contain various configuration files. While I don’t use all of them regularly, I keep them around in case I want to revisit or experiment with them. As a result, the repository has become somewhat cluttered. So, to keep track of the tools I actually use, I’m maintaining this list.

gopassSecret management
chezmoiDotfiles management
weztermTerminal emulator and multiplexer
swayWindow manager
zathuraDocument viewer
NixOSLinux distribution
nvimText editor
cheatCommand reference tool
gochargeMonitor battery daemon
makoNotification daemon
glowTUI markdown reader
pulsemixerAudio management
grim + slurp + wl-clipboardScreenshot utilities
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